Cabot Year Six

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Diary of the wimpy kid the third wheel by Abdi I

Title: Diary of the wimpy kid the third wheel.

Author: Jeff Kinney

Genre:Fictional story.

Plot summary.

Greg and Rowley are the best of friends. Greg’s uncle Gary moved in and it was valentine day. There is a dance for valentine day at their school and everyone had to find a date. Greg asked Rowley if he could find him a date but rowley was looking for a date himself. Abigail, who is a student at their school, didn’t have a date after getting let down by a boy named Michael. After Abigail saw michael with another girl at the dance, she ran to corner sobbing. Rowley walked over to comfort her.


This book is an epic book. I think that Greg’s Uncle Gary can trust Greg’s family whenever he is in trouble. I can tell that Uncle Gary is a t-shirt salesman who doesn’t make a profit. I also think that rowley likes Abigail.


I would recommend to children that are between the age 9 and 12. This is a book fantastic and will make any reader fall in love with the book.


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